Monday, October 19, 2009

Ginger,Daisy's and SCRAPPY FIRST Day

the dogs, ginger, daisy, and scrappy just got done building their new cleaning service buiding and business, these very silly 3 dogs, clean apartment buildings and types of place.
the dogs named scrappy, ginger and daisy, went out on their first day of their cleaning business, to the new dallas cowboys staduim, daisy, scrappy and ginger loaded their very large doggie cleaning truck, with their cleaning supples and lots of boxes of dogs, to eat and lots of bottles doggie botteled water to drink , while their on their way, to their first cleaning job, at the new dallas cowboys football stadium, it will take them all to drive ,their doggie cleaning truck, about 10 hours, to drive to the new dallas cowboys football staduim, becasuse of lots of doggie rest breaks on the way.

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